Stories of Impact
In June nurses admitted 11 babies (4 orphans, 1 set of triplets, 3 babies whose mothers did not produce breast milk, and 1 baby whose mother developed postpartum psychosis). The mother suffering from postpartum psychosis was also admitted into our program. Our team visited 227 babies and critically ill postpartum women. Nurses distributed 635 tins […]
In May nurses admitted 8 infants (3 orphans (includes a set of twins), 3 babies whose mothers were not producing breast milk, and 2 babies of critically ill mothers). One postpartum woman with a severe infection was admitted. Nurses visited a total of 221 mothers and infants over the course of the month and 558 […]
In April Joyful Motherhood nurses admitted 5 babies (including, four orphans (two were a set of twins), and one baby whose mother was not producing breast milk). Two women were admitted into the program due to severe postpartum infections. The team visited 215 women and babies in their communities and 558 tins of formula were […]
In March 11 babies were enrolled for support in our program (including 3 orphans, 3 sets of triplets, 1 baby with hydrocephalus, and 1 baby whose mother was not producing breast milk). Two sick women were enrolled. Nurses visited 194 babies and 23 sick women after delivery. Nurses distributed 595 tins of formula. (Formula is […]
In February, seven babies were enrolled in our program (6 of whom were orphaned as newborns). Nurses are currently following 215 babies. One hundred and eighty five of those babies received home visits during the month of February. Sifra, pictured above with her paternal grandmother, is one of our new babies this month. Sifra’s mother […]
With limited testing capability, 33 cases of Covid-19 have been identified in Malawi and three deaths have been attributed to the virus. An injunction to stay the original lockdown order by the President has been extended to April 29th. Fear of hunger and related civil unrest continue to eclipse fears of Covid. And, the goal […]
On March 23rd there were no confirmed Covid-19 cases in Malawi but President Peter Mutharika, declared a national disaster and closed all schools and universities. As of yesterday there were 16 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Malawi and two deaths. In response, the President issued a three week lockdown order, scheduled to begin Saturday, April […]
The opportunities available today for young women in the US and Europe vastly outnumber those available to their grandmothers and perhaps even to their mothers. While racing towards the future we are acutely aware of persistent inequalities and many of us actively work to address them. Today is a day to celebrate the fruits our […]
In the month of January 21 babies were enrolled in our program. Nine mothers died leaving healthy newborns without breast milk (two of these women had had twins). One set of triplets was enrolled, 4 mothers unable to produce breast milk brought their babies for enrollment, one set of twins were abandoned at the hospital […]
Miracle was born prematurely. Her mother suffered eclamptic seizures, and though she survived, she had a long slow recover and remained permanently impaired. Miracle was enrolled in March 2018 (see the full story and earlier picture) and with support from our nurses and the loving care of her family, she has thrived.
In the month of December 9 babies were enrolled (including 4 orphans, 1 baby of a mother with tuberculosis, a set of triplets, and one small baby of a mom not producing breast milk). Two postpartum women were admitted, both with severe infections and anemia. Nurses made a total of 190 visits and are currently […]
Regina was the fourth child in her family. Everything went well with the pregnancy and the delivery. Mother and baby left the hospital 24hours after delivery. Eight days later Regina’s mother, Alefa, started complaining of chest pain and she was taken to the hospital. Before clinicians had settled on a diagnosis, Alefa’s condition deteriorated and […]
This month 11 babies were admitted to our program (4 orphans (including the above set of twins), 2 babies of mothers with no breast milk, 4 babies of critically ill mothers, 1 baby of mother with postpartum psychosis). Three women were enrolled (1 with severe anemia, 1 with severe abdominal infection, and the mother with […]